My New Call: R1BIG

My new official Certificate from the State Radio Frequency Center is valid for 10 years until 2030.
R = Russia, 1 = first Amateur Radio Region (North-West of Russia).
I followed the callsigns given in last months and it was clear - the first 2 letters in the new Callsign's Suffix had definitely to be: "B" and "I".
The Stars have aligned! I got the third letter “G” !
With this new Call R1BIG I will be able to work on all ham bands (from 80m to 10m), with up to 1KW (not on 160 meter band, where there is a power limitation 10 watts).
But I am On the Air mainly portable in Russia, so I do not need that big power.
I will be QRV for the first time with my new Call from a WWFF nature park near St.Petersburg very soon!