
I got a Finnish Call OH7BG!
01 January
Finally I passed the Finnish Ham Exam and got a full license! Now when I travel in Finland I can work on Air as OH7BG! I also joined SRAL (Finnish Amateur Radio League). Of course I continue operating as R1BIG in Russia.

A new “How To” project: 10+ languages online
07 May
With one mouse click you have hundreds of QSO phrases (text+audio)! My goal is 15 languages! We can help together to improve the communications between different countries! If you want to add your language please contact me. Click on the news heading.

I got my Ham story onto Russian TV
18 April
This Amateur Radio Day was unusual for me.
The main Russian TV Channel #1 came to my portable position to shoot an Amateur Radio story! It was shown on television the next day!

My New Call: R1BIG
22 November
After successfully passing the exam to the higher class my Amateur Radio license was upgraded and I had to change my original Novice Call UB1AOA. I hope I will have the Callsign R1BIG for life!

A new limited edition QSL
10 November
FOR ALL my QSOs as UB1AOA/p during 15 portable activities in Summer 2020 I send these special QSL cards via Bureau.
You can see the reverse side by clicking on the picture!

YL Raisa & Team Lighthouse activation
09 September
YL Raisa & Team Mini DXpedition to Shepelevsky Lighthouse (ERU-007) took place
on 22 August 2020. Operators: UB1AOA Raisa, R1MP Mikhail, RA1AMO Alexey, UA1AJD Alex. Click the news to read more

My First DX-Pedition: Maly Vysotsky Island!
08 August
This was a fantastic trip to IOTA EU-117, I was QRV on 14.188 MHz with a parallel live stream to Youtube!
My smartphone battery ran out after 1.5 hours, and my "own charge" ;-) lasted for more SSB working there.

CQ World Wide DX Contest
25 May
I operated as Single Operator Low Power. I was happy to finish with such a good official result. I could have achieved more points if the station from Greenland could have received my call during the last hour of the contest

International YL-meeting OL88YL !
15 April
What a nice time we had in the Czech Republic! QRV as OL88YL with permanent Pile Ups! (Altogether we made 8418 QSO’s) This was a very creative YL’s only team, all of us loving our Ham Radio Hobby!