Support Me
All of my activities in creating Ham Content and Amateur Radio promotion has been carried out since 2018 with enthusiasm and thanks to the help of close friends. I strive to find the time, energy, and resources to continue doing this. Here is an option to those of you who would like and are willing to help me to be standing on my own two feet!
If you find my activities useful, entertaining or inspiring and would like to support me consider joining my special "YL Raisa Support Group"
I often hear that Amateur Radio is a dying hobby. I believe in a different future of the Ham world and through my social networks, as well as On the Air, I will strive to convey a positive impulse to a large number of people, not just to OM’s, already involved in Ham Radio, but to their YL’s and to completely new people.
What I have already done and will continue:
- Creation of regular, modern, optimistic content and videos aimed at Ham Radio promotion in all my social media
- Development of Online QSO phraseology (Text & Audio) in 10+ languages
- YouTube Channel "My Journey in Ham Radio" - for beginners and anyone who is yet to become a Radio Amateur
- Special videos aimed at YL’s, interviews with interesting hams
- Promotion for programs like WW Flora Fauna, SOTA, IOTA, YOTA, RDA etc
- Live streams from contests, portable activities and DXpeditions
- Implementation of your ideas to promote our hobby!
Thanks to my first Patrons: