YL Raisa & Team Lighthouse activation

It was a fantastic outdoor ham activity from 10:00 UTC - until our batteries allowed. Basic mode: SSB; Basic band 20 m.
Shepelevsky Lighthouse is located on a southern bank of the Gulf of Finland 70km from St Petersburg.
Coordinates: 59° 59' N, 029° 08' E
RDA: LO-30, Russian Robinson Club number: RLE 007, ARLHS number: ERU-007
During the working On Air I did also Offline ham radio promotion - many tourists were interested to understan, what we do there and I gave several lectures ;-)
After the DXpedition I designed a special QSL Card and sent it to everyone who made a QSO during our portable activity and who sent me his request.
In December 2020 there will be a special movie about that day at Shepelevsky Lighthouse on my Channel!