A new “How To” project: 10+ languages online

Click here to go to the Online Radio Amateur's Conversation Guide
TNX to Jukka and Miika Heikinheimo, OH1BR/OH2BR and OH2BAD - Authors of the original Radio Amateur's Conversation Guide (1980) for the rights to use and develop their texts here;
To Yuri Zagranichny, my friend and IT specialist - for his usable technical implementation of the idea to combine originally separate texts and audio into one place here;
To the international Team of native speakers for corresponding records: English (American): Laurie Margolis, G3UML, Jonathan Wilbanks, KN4TAK (text update 2021); German: Heinz Kamper, DK4EI; Italian: Marco Strada; French: Andre Thill, LX2LA; Spanish: Jose Ortiz; Japanese: Takashi Aoki, JQ1NFY and Dr. Hideyuki Nebiya, JE1BQE (text and audio update 2021) Portuguese: Antonio Callixto, CT1DW; Danish (update April 2021: a new language!): Tommy Clemmensen, OZ1THC; Finnish (update Mai 2021: a new language!): Jukka Heikinheimo, OH2BR, file editing by Ville, OH1UDC; Russian: Raisa Skrynnikova, R1BIG (audio update January 2021) ;-)